And action!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t continue working on the EPG part. Instead I worked some other things:

  • Added ChannelList D-Bus interface to retrieve information about channels.
  • Added GUI client to add and delete timers
  • Fixed several bugs

Frank Scholz continued integrating dvb-daemon into Coherence. I created a screencast that shows how you can access recordings from dvb-daemon in Totem with the help of Coherence’s UPnP server:

The Coherence Totem plugin connects to the Coherence daemon via IP and retrieves the recordings. Because Coherence uses UPnP you can access the recordings from any UPnP capable client (e.g. the PS3).

The plan is to support the ScheduledRecording specification in the future, too. Because Coherence now propagates the DVB-Daemon into the UPnP world, you can access the recodings from any UPnP capable clients (e.g. the PS3) on your network.

If you want to try it out yourself you will need the latest dvb-daemon: bzr branch and Coherence from SVN: svn co coherence.

Install dvb-daemon, Coherence and the Coherence Totem plugin. First, start the dvb-daemon and then Coherence with the command coherence -o use_dbus:yes -o controlpoint:yes --plugin=backend:DVBDStore,enable_destroy:yes

To add new timers start the GUI client: python dvb-daemon/client/

Now you can start Totem, activate the Coherence plugin and wait until a new recording comes up in the sidebar.

Sebastian Pölsterl
AI Researcher

My research interests include machine learning for time-to-event analysis, causal inference and biomedical applications.