Capuchin replaces NewStuffManager
It’s been a very long time since I worked on NewStuffManager. The last couple of weeks I was able to work on NewStuffManager again. For everyone who doesn’t know what Capuchin/NewStuffManager is, it’s a program that runs in the background, downloads and installs plugins. It can be used by any application through its D-Bus interface. So, what changed? Most notable the name. Furthermore, I refactored the D-Bus daemon to make it more extensible, changed the D-Bus interface itsself and the XML file format that contains information about the plugins. A description of the D-Bus API is available here and example scripts in C# and Python are available in the subversion repository and the tarballs. For all the C lovers out there I wrote GLib bindings, as well. The tarballs contain an example program. I want to thank kamstrup and his xesam-glib bindings that have been a great inspiration and made my work a lot easier. Thank you! So download the daemon from and integrate it in your favorite application (e.g. using the GLib bindings available at If you come across any problems or have an idea how Capuchin would rock even more please leave a comment. Next I will write a tutorial that explains how you setup your own repository and make use of it using the D-Bus interface and integrate Capuchin into Deskbar-Applet that you can finally download 3rd party modules easily.