Call for help
The GNOME 2.20.2 release is only two weeks away and still two bugs exist in Deskbar that I really want to fix before the release.
- Bug #471672: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get_actions’
- Bug #475351: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘startswith’ in history module
The first one has currently 147 duplicates and the second one 37. This makes them #1 and #2 of Deskbar-Applet’s Most Frequently Reported Open Bugs. The symptom is the same for both: Somehow, I can’t explain how, a NoneType is getting where usually only Match classes get. I couldn’t find the problem when reading the code. Of course, I could check if the match is None or not, but I’m interested where this None comes from. In my opinion, None should not get there, but actually it does.
What’s even worse, I wasn’t able to reproduce one of the bugs above what makes debugging and hopefully fixing very hard. Therefore, I’m eagerly searching for people who can reproduce one of the bugs and help me with debugging. If you encountered one of the bugs please join #deskbar on and help me getting rid of this bugs. Any help is highly appreciated.